Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The First Married Valentine's Day

It's coming as a bit of a shock that I'm blogging about our First Married Valentine's Day, because in all honesty, we aren't really doing anything special. I expect no flowers, cards, chocolates, or extravagant displays of... anything. In fact, I'm cooking dinner for us tonight and we'll probably wind up arguing over what movie to watch. Funds are low for THESE newlyweds (I'm sure there are many of you out there who can identify!) and we decided way back in January that there didn't really need to be any Valentine's gifts this year. Although I cheated a little bit and got Husband a new lunch box.

How romantic!

I've started waking up with Husband in the morning when he has to for work, even though I don't have to for work anymore. We used to get up at the same time and get ready at the same time and I always regretted not being able to make his breakfast or lunch for him to take because I had to make mine. Again, gag if you must, but different personalities make the world go 'round, folks. One of the things I wanted to do when I quit my "day job" was to continue waking up in the morning to make Husband breakfast and pack his lunch. I took a few days to relish sleeping in, of course, but I've been able to do it and I realized it makes me happy and makes him happy, and I'm all about a happy marriage!

I also made pink, mini-chocolate chip pancakes this morning and even made them into heart shapes! I felt so good about my special breakfast that when I announced what I was making, Husband couldn't help but be excited, if only for a moment. Until he asked (very sweetly, knowing I'd be a bit heartbroken if the answer was no) if I had gotten syrup. Which I hadn't. And then I remembered why we haven't had pancakes for quite some time now - because I keep forgetting to get syrup. (It's not on any of my lists!!) He told me later, "You should have seen your face, it was so pitiful!", and I suppose it was my pitiful expression that made him jump in the car, at 7 in the morning, to go get syrup for my special Valentine's breakfast. What a guy, I tell you.

I'm going to be baking some cookies this afternoon, which makes me happy. (I did my Pilates first, so I can sample the cookie dough...) Husband is a simple man, and his favorite is chocolate chip, so I'll be tackling that. But I think I'm also gonna attempt a REVERSE chocolate chip, as in chocolate cookie with white chips. I always like those ones, even though white chocolate chips aren't my favorite. In a chocolate cookie, who cares??! I've held off making cookies for a while because Husband invested in SIX, count them, SIX boxes of Girl Scout cookies that are due in about a week. He heard that I've never had them (due to a misdiagnosis of Celiac's disease that eliminated all wheat products from my diet for 11 years) and told me I had to try them all. I think he only didn't get 2 flavors. With those on the way, I haven't wanted to pre-game with other cookies. But it's a special day. =)

I also decided, to heck with it! and am giving Mama BOTH tea cozies for her birthday, the small version and the large version. Together, they will conquer all her teapot needs! Ginan seemed to be hinting that she would like some more handy crafts for her birthday, so I'll do my best to deliver. January and February birthdays in our family are so close together, it's almost as bad as having to make all the Christmas presents at the same time! But I'm working out lots of new patterns, so I don't mind so much! And now I'm daydreaming about all the time there is until the next birthday, which is Ro's, and how I feel like I give her an I-O-U every year... I'm gonna have to make that up to her. And Christy, too. It's their year. (Rocky fist pumps)

To all you out there who believe Valentine's day is for couples, I challenge you! Long before I had Husband in my life, I had six loves for Valentine's day and their names were Mama, Daddy, and 4 sisters. Cherish your family, they are your FOREVER Valentines, and so are your friends! Don't let a day pass you by just because everyone else thinks it's about being part of a couple. It's about love, and if you have someone you love who loves you, that is precious precious - family and friends deeply included.

I love all of you and hope you enjoy this sappy day of love, too!
Happy Valentine's day,


  1. I love you and I love your blog! And I love how it ends, because 'tis true that there is ALWAYS a Valentine to be found in a loving family! :)

  2. and a very special Happy Valentines Day to you an your sweet Hubby! That was special that he went and got the syrup! Take care and happy happy day!
